Psychology 3895E 001 FW23

Social Science in the Community

If there is a discrepancy between the outline posted below and the outline posted on the OWL course website, the latter shall prevail.



LONDON               CANADA

Department of Psychology

Fall-Winter 2023-24


Psychology 3895E  





The course is centred around community-based projects. Because community work is inherently unpredictable, flexibility is key.  Accordingly, it may be necessary to change some elements of this project (and by extension, syllabus). If made, these alterations (which may include additional/revised readings) will not substantially alter the nature, timing and weighting of the assignments, and students will be given as much advance notice as possible.





In this project-based course, social science students, working in interdisciplinary teams, apply their scholarship to help community agencies address their self-identified needs, developing transferable skills in the process.

Antirequisite: Not applicable

Prerequisite: Registration in 3rd or 4th year in any program. By special permission only, which must be obtained from the course instructor in the Spring/Summer before the course begins in the Fall.

Unless you have either the prerequisites for this course or written special permission from your Dean to enrol in it, you may be removed from this course and it will be deleted from your record. This decision may not be appealed. You will receive no adjustment to your fees in the event that you are dropped from a course for failing to have the necessary prerequisites.


Additional Information: 3 seminar hours. 4-5 hours on community placement/project. Course Weight: 1.0.   This course has a service-learning component.





Instructor/email:     Dr. Leora Swartzman

Office and Phone Number:     312E Westminster Hall, 519-661-2111 ext. 84654

Office hours:      By appointment

TA:      There is no course TA




 In person. If, due to COVID-19, we need to meet virtually (online) , we will do so, synchronously. There also may be some weeks when we decide that it is more convenient to meet virtually. This will be determined at least one week in advance. Students are expected to attend the in-person classes in person.


Students who are in emotional/mental distress should refer to Health and Wellness @Western for a complete list of options about how to obtain help.


Please contact the course instructor if you require material in an alternate format or if you require any other arrangements to make this course more accessible to you. You may also contact Accessible Education at  or 519-661-2147.


2.1 Online Learning Notice:
Please note: For the weeks when we might end up meeting online, and to access course material (on OWL and Perusal), students must have a reliable internet connection and computer that are compatible with online learning system requirements. Some courses may also require the use of a remote proctoring platform to ensure assessments are taken fairly in accordance with Western’s policy on Scholastic Discipline for Undergraduate Students and Scholastic Discipline for Graduate Students. See Section 9.0 of this syllabus for further information.  




Jason, L.A., Glantsman, O., O’Brien, J.F., & Ramian, K.N. (2019) Introduction to Community Psychology: Becoming an Agent of Change. Rebus Press (online; Free: Creative Commons)

Assigned readings will include (but will not be limited to) select chapters from the textbook as well as scholarly articles. All material will be uploaded to Perusall.** (See section 6.1)  To access the material, create a Perusall account (at and enter the course code, which is available on the course OWL site. You can also access the material through in the “Course Readings” section of “Resources” on the course OWL site.  But to earn participation grades, you need to annotate (comment on) the readings via Perusall.  




This course is essentially a course in Community Psychology. As such, students will learn about a range of topics relevant to Community psychology, including: its key principles and values; features and challenges of community-based research; types and models of prevention and promotion, psychological sense of community; and strategies for social change. This learning largely will occur through independent reading in the first semester. Mastery of the material will be assessed through comments/annotations on the readings through Perusall, a peer-to-peer collaborative e-reading platform.

When relevant, we will approach the course material through lenses of COVID-19, social justice and environmental issues, which affect us personally and collectively. They will continue to play out over 2023/24 in unpredictable ways. As such, we may adjust some of the assigned readings and perhaps even class topics to keep our discussions relevant, current and personally meaningful. There will be three broad category topics, which will include but are not limited to:

Working with the Community


  • Foundations of community engagement
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • Social inequalities and power relations
  • Community mobilization and advocacy

Applied Research


  • Knowledge exchange and mobilization
  • Fundamentals of Evaluation

Soft Skills


  • Effective partnerships and teamwork
  • Project Management
  • Active Listening Skills
  • Professionalism & professional ethics




Continued on next page

By the end of this course, the successful student will: 


Learning Outcome


Learning Activities

How Assessed 

Knowledge and Understanding

1. Depth & Breadth of Knowledge

Describe and apply main concepts and principles of community psychology


Class discussion

Guest lectures

Community project  

Perusall annotations

Contribution to class discussions

Group reports

Group presentations

Individual literature review and annotated bibliography. 

Describe and analyze individual well-being from an ecological perspective.


Class discussion

Guest lectures

Community project 

Perusall annotations

Contribution to class discussions

Group reports

Group presentations


2. Knowledge and Application of Methodologies

Locate and critically evaluate scholarly research that pertains to a real-world problem in community psychology.

Community project

Classroom activity

Contribution to class activity

Group reports

Group presentations

Individual literature review and annotated bibliography

3. Application of Knowledge

Apply community psychology principles to the understanding of everyday problems.

Community-based project  

Classroom activities

Field trips (possible)

Guest lectures

Perusall annotations

Contribution to class discussion

Group reports

Group presentations

Annotated bibliography

4. Communication Skills

Communicate scientific findings and scholarly theories in language than is accessible to a non-expert population.

Community project

Classroom activities

Class Presentation

Contribution to class activity

Class presentations.

Written assignments 

5. Autonomy and Professional Capacity

Manage a project from start to end by using planning,

 coordination of efforts, prioritizing, time management and organizational strategies.

Community project

As assessed by instructor and, if appropriate, community supervisor  

Peer evaluation of contribution to project  




6. Awareness of Limits of Knowledge Practice reflective thinking to connect CEL experience with course content and personal values.

Community project

Critical reflection 

Class discussions 

Contribution to class discussions

Final report and presentation

Critical reflection

7. Autonomy and Professional Capacity Recognize and develop own sense of commitment to civic engagement and social responsibility.

Community project

Critical Reflection

Class Discussions

Class Activities

Instructor ratings of critical reflection.

Final report and presentation  





Learning will occur largely through project-related work and independent reading, assigned reading and material presented in class. As noted above, mastery of the material be assessed by students’ annotations on the readings, and their contribution to class discussions and activities. 

In class: Much of class time in the first two thirds of the Fall semester (before reading week) is aimed at deepening students’ understanding of the material and ability to apply it.  Most class time towards the end of the Fall term (after reading week) will be dedicated to student presentations and student-led discussions, where they describe their community setting, their responsibilities in that setting, what they have learned to date and the scope of the project they are to deliver at the end of the winter term. 

Outside of class: Because much of the foundational knowledge is to be acquired before Fall reading Week (and before students get heavily into their projects), the instructor-assigned reading load will be heavy until mid-late November; be prepared to spend 6 hours a week on those. After Fall reading Week and through the Winter term, they will drop off considerably (and for many weeks, entirely).  During this time, students’ readings will largely be self-selected and project-related.

Throughout the course, but particularly after the Fall reading week and the entire Winter term, students will apply the knowledge and skills acquired to date (i.e., engage in the practice of community psychology) through their work on the community partner projects.  Working in groups of (typically) two or three, students will spend an average of 5-6 hours per week on the community project they are conducting for the community partner.  Course-related activities and any readings in the Winter term will mostly revolve around the community projects.




There will be three course projects.  


Project #1:

Financial Literacy Programming for Youth  (Short Title: Financial Literacy)

For: Youth Opportunities Unlimited (YOU) (

Community Partners: Amanda Wright (Youth Development Counsellor, Transition Services) and Jeff White (YOU Team lead for Youth Wellness Hub Ontario (YWHO)- London Middlesex Branch.)


Statement of the Problem:

 Many homeless youth struggle to save enough money for first and last month's rent. YOU has offered financial literacy sessions to address this issue. However, these programs didn’t ‘stick’.  A few years ago, YOU wanted help refining their programs to make them more relevant and engaging and to incorporate a peer support element. Student groups in prior years developed and delivered youth-friendly financial literacy modules. These modules involved hands-on learning and incorporated principles of motivational interviewing to increase youth engagement. The modules also had built-in assessments of financial self-efficacy (which has been shown to predict financial literacy) and continuous solicitations of feedback from youth. 

In 2023/24 YOU would like to make this programming more sustainable (i.e., be less reliant on the support of students from the Psychology CEL course) by bolstering partnerships with other institutions and getting the peer support element up and running.


Aims of the Project #1 (Financial Literacy):

  • Setting up the Peer Mentoring element of YOU’s Financial Literacy program. 
  • Furthering an established partnership with a bank (Libro) to expand financial literacy training with youth. 
  • Furthering an established partnership with Youth Wellness Hubs Ontario (YWHO to provide financial literacy training. 
  • Maintaining, from 2022/23, the assessment of youth’s financial self-efficacy and the continuous solicitation of feedback from program participants.


Project #2:

Developing and Improving the Recovery College Model in the Post-secondary Context: Introducing a ‘Hub and Spoke Model’ (Short title: RC Hub-and-Spoke)

 For: Western University’s Wellness (Hub) (  and Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences (

Community Partners: Huda Ghadban (Western University, Coordinator of Western Wellness Education and Western Wellness Hub), Dr. Simone Arbour (Research Scientist, Ontario Shores) and Sameer Yousufi (Research & Recovery College Coordinator)


Statement of the Problem:

Western’s Wellness Hub (Western’s ‘brand name’ for a Recovery College (RC)) was officially launched in Jan. 2023.  A unique mental health and wellbeing program at Western, Western’s Wellness Hub is rooted in the principles of recovery, connection, meaning, and empowerment.

Students with lived mental health experience co-create, co-deliver, and discuss courses on topics that support mental health. This is novel, in that pre-existing mental health services on campus are not created and delivered with input from students.


The Recovery College Movement, which originated in the United Kingdom, was designed to be an adjunct or alternative mental health resource for individuals who are/were patients of the psychiatric system.  Ontario Shores has been spearheading the adoption of Recovery College model in Canada. A major focus has been on bringing the Recovery College model to post-secondary educational institutions.


In 2022/23, a student group helped Ontario Shores and Western conduct an initial program evaluation of its first set of Recovery College offerings. Also, comparing the implementation of Recovery College at Western versus another post-secondary institution in Ontario, the students identified context-specific facilitators and barriers to successful implementation of a Recovery College in the post-secondary setting.


In the upcoming year, Western Wellness Hub and Ontario Shores want to lay the groundwork for integrating a hub-and-spoke model into Recovery Colleges in the post-secondary context. In this hub-and-spoke model, specific populations (e.g., international students, athletic students, etc.)  come together in their own ‘branch’ of the RC.


Aims of the Project

  • Explore the logistics of a hub-and-spoke model of Recovery Colleges in the post-secondary context. This would involve doing a needs assessment to identify subgroups of students  who would be well served by a Recovery College model, and determining their needs.
  • Assist in (or take the lead on) writing a grant proposal to enable Ontario Shores to introduce a hub-and-spoke model into the RC postsecondary context. 


Project #3 Developing Staff Training Resources for CMHA-TV (Short Title: CMHA-TV Staff Training)

For: CMHA-TV - Community Mental Health Association Thames Valley Addictions and Mental Health Services (

Community Partner: Shawna Bergsma (Manager, Crisis Stabilization Space, CMHA-TV)


Statement of the Problem:

In 2021, the Canadian Mental Health Association merged with Addiction Services Thames Valley to form CMHA-TV. This merger improved access to mental health and addiction services, especially for those the more rural areas. But it also called upon staff, who have general training in the provision of mental health, addiction, trauma and wellness services, to provide care to more specialized populations.


In 2023-23, a student group created training resources for staff with the CMHA-TV’s Crisis Stabilization Space (CSS). The CCS, which provides immediate short-term (usually up to 72 hours) inpatient support to individuals experiencing a crisis, had expanded from five to 10 beds. And with that expansion, some beds were set aside for specialized populations, namely, victims of human trafficking and first responders.  Informed by the published literatures (peer reviewed and ‘grey”), the students created accessible and time-efficient specialized training resources for staff.  They also tailored intake and referral procedures/forms to be more appropriate for the specialized populations.  CMHA-TV is looking to expand these staff training resources to cover work with other specialized populations.


Aims of Project:

  • Develop staff training resources for working with specialized populations ( e.g., Indigenous, Youth, and/or 2SLGBTQ+).
  • Providing education and training for staff.
  • Review current community supports, identify service gaps, and possibly build partnerships, etc.
  • (Possible): Help CAMH-TV prepare grants to secure more specialized staffing for its Crisis Stabilization Space. 




See next page for  5.0 Evaluation


The evaluation and testing formats for this course were created to assess the learning objectives as listed in section 4.0 and are considered necessary for meeting these learning objectives.


Component- Individual Work


% of Grade

Due Date/Time Frame

Mini-presentation (6 minutes max.) to class on topic of review paper. Should be lay-friendly and highlight relevance to class project.


November 7

Individual Review paper (1000-1500) words on a topic relevant to project (10%) and associated annotated bibliography (5%).


November 24

 Participation: Fall and Winter (10% Fall term, 5% Winter term). Includes contribution to class discussions and in-class exercises/activities, Perusall** notations, completion of non-graded assignments/tasks (e.g., response to surveys or pre-class queries from instructor or peers, group agreements, project-management chart.)  50% of the participation grade in the Fall term (i.e., 5% of the final grade) will be based on Perusall annotations.


(10% Fall term. 5% Winter term)


Throughout year

Critical Reflection. There are a range of options. For example:  1. A reflection using the DEAL (Describe, Examine, Articulate Learning) framework. 2. A written reflection how this course has changed you (e.g., ‘Advice to my Sept. 2021 self) 3. A brief video to help recruit the ‘right kind’ of student for the course. 4. The letter of reference that you hope that I would write for you.


April 1

Student’s contribution to project-related work and professionalism, over the year, as determined Project group members and (if appropriate) community partners.  This may affect individual student’s grade on final report.

Note: Students receive interim (formative) feedback from peers and (if appropriate) supervisors) at the end of the Fall term and mid-February. 

Evaluation of contribution to project. May affect individual grade on final report.

Once group final reports, posters and deliverables have been submitted.


Total: Proportion of Grade based on Individual work




Component: Group Work

% of Grade

Due Date/Time Frame

Oral presentation of project progress report


Nov. 28

Written Project progress report


Dec. 8

Draft of poster


March 22

Final version of poster


April 8

Oral presentation of final project


March 26  

Final report, including deliverable(s). As noted above, individual student’s grade may be adjusted upwards or downwards based on peer (and, if applicable, community partners’) evaluation of student’s contribution to the project.


April 8

Total: Proportion of final grade based on Group Work.









There will be a late penalty of 2% per day for every assignment. Missing coursework will be a assigned a mark of 0. There are no alternate ways to make up for the missing work. 

PLEASE NOTE: Because this is an essay course, as per Senate Regulations, you must pass the essay component to pass the course. That is, the average mark for your written assignments must be at least 50%.


This course is exempt from the Senate requirement that students receive assessment of their work accounting for at least 15% of their final grade at least three full days before the date of the deadline for withdrawal from a course without academic penalty.



The expectation for course grades within the Psychology Department is that they will be distributed around the following averages:


70%     1000-level to 2099-level courses

72%     2100-2999-level courses

75%     3000-level courses

80%     4000-level courses


The Psychology Department follows Western’s grading guidelines, which are as follows (see:


A+       90-100             One could scarcely expect better from a student at this level

A          80-89               Superior work that is clearly above average

B          70-79               Good work, meeting all requirements, and eminently satisfactory

C         60-69               Competent work, meeting requirements

D         50-59               Fair work, minimally acceptable

F          below 50          Fail


Note that in the event that course grades are significantly higher or lower than these averages, instructors may be required to make adjustments to course grades. Such adjustment might include the normalization of one or more course components and/or the re-weighting of various course components.


Policy on Grade Rounding: Please note that although course grades within the Psychology Department are rounded to the nearest whole number, no further grade rounding will be done. No additional assignments will be offered to enhance a final grade; nor will requests to change a grade because it is needed for a future program be considered. To maximize your grade, do your best on each and every assessment within the course.




Please see the Table in the Evaluation section (5.0) for the schedule of evaluations.


There will no tests or quizzes. I will assess your mastery of and engagement with the assigned readings via Perusall** ( a social learning platform where students collaborate in the learning process by sharing questions, comments, and observations on the readings. Your participation grade will be partly based on the quality of your annotations on the readings in Perusall.  Because of this, I don’t feel it necessary to formally test you on the readings. To earn participation marks, you must submit your Perusall notations no later than 24 hours before the class for which they are assigned.




(Based on material from


Perusall helps students learn by collaboratively annotating the readings and communicating with their classmates. Collaboration gets you help whenever you need it, makes learning more fun, enables you to help others (which research shows is also a great way for you to learn), and helps the instructor and students make better use of class time by facilitating a deeper discussion of the material and associated insights.


If you have a question or information to share about a passage in the readings, highlight the text and type in a comment as an annotation. You can also respond to a classmate’s annotation in threads (Facebook style) in real time or upvote questions you find helpful. Good annotations contribute to the class by stimulating discussion, explaining your thought processes, helping others, and drawing attention to good points. If a particular classmate’s point is relevant, you can explicitly ‘mention’ them and they will be immediately notified, even if not presently signed on.


Research shows that the following behaviors on Perusall predict higher end-of-semester grades and long-term mastery of the subject. I may use some or all to determine your formal score.

  • Contributing thoughtful questions and comments to the class discussion, spread throughout the entire reading
  • Starting the reading early
  • Breaking the reading into chunks (instead of trying to do it all at once)
  • Reading all the way to the end of the assigned reading
  • Posing thoughtful questions and comments that elicit responses from classmates
  • Answering questions from others
  • Upvoting thoughtful questions and helpful answers














Some of the readings might change or be added.  Perusall notations are due 24 hours before class (i.e., Mondays at 1:30)


If the due date not the same as the class date, it is noted. (P) Counts towards participation grade 

Wk. 1

Sept. 13


Overview of course

Discussion of course outline.

Getting to know each other

Establishing the class as a community.

Transferable Skills.


(P) Come to class prepared to answer questions posed in advance by Instructor.


(P) Review Transferable Skills checklist. 



Wk. 2

Sept. 20

1:30-2:40: Core constructs /Theories and Values in Community Psychology


Meeting with Community Partners (2:30-4:30)

(Might be over Zoom)




Ch. 1 (Intro)

Ch. 5 (Theories)

Ch. 8 (Respect for Diversity)


McIntosh (1989) White Privilege. Unpacking the Invisible Backpack


(P) Come to class prepared to answer questions posed in advance

(P)Complete CEL “Foundations of Community Engagement” (Part 1) (Instructions on OWL site) (Upload screen capture/certificate. Due 5 pm, Sept. 22, via Assignments

(P) Students convey project preferences to instructor. Due noon, Sept. 22, via Quizzes

(P) Complete My Life Experiences and Worldview Surveys. Due 5 pm, Sept. 22, via Quizzes

Wk. 3

Sept. 27



1:30-2:20 Core Constructs on Community Psychology cont’d

2:30-4:20: Professional Ethics, Active Listening, Group work, Project management

Ch. 2 (History)

Ch. 6 (Res Methods)

Oakley (2002). Hitchhikers and Couch Potatoes










(P) Complete Student Experiential Learning Agreement. Due 5 pm, Sept. 29, via Assignments.


Wk. 4

Oct. 4


Equity and Privilege Revisited; Program evaluation and Dissemination.

Share personal reflection on Chapter 3.

Updates on projects/partners.   

Ch. 3 (Who we are).

Ch. 18 (Dissemination and Implementation)


(P) Group agreement/contract. Due 5 pm, Oct. 6, via Assignments. 


Wk. 5

Oct. 11

 1:30-~ 3:00 Epidemiology

~3:10-4:20: Group work on projects: This includes conferring about topics for your individual literature reviews. 

Ch. 11 (Community Intervention)

Ch. 12 (Prevention and Promotion  



Wk. 6

Oct. 18

1:30-~3:00: Key elements of a research article.

Mining the published and grey literature for relevant information.

3:10-4:20: Group work on projects.

Ch. 9 (Oppression and Power)

Ch 10. (Empowerment)


(P) Complete CEL “Foundations of Community Engagement” -Parts 2 (Deconstructing Power and Privilege and 3 (Building Effective Community Partnerships. Upload Certificate of Completion of the three CEL Foundations of Community Engagement Modules (Parts 1, 2 and 3). Due 5 pm, Oct. 20,  via Assignments

Wk. 7

Oct. 25

1:30-4:20:  Group work on projects

Instructor meets with students individually (~ 15 minutes apiece) during class time.


(P) Come to class with possible articles for your individual mini-presentations to discuss with Instructor. 

(P) Student & Community Partner Expectations Agreement. Due 5 pm, Oct. 26, via  Assignments.

Wk. 8

Nov. 1  

Reading week.

No class



Wk. 9

Nov. 8

1:30 ~ 3:00

Individual mini-presentations (7 minutes max) on topic of literature review

~ 3:10-4:20: Group work on project.


Mini presentation of central article in individual literature review.(5%)

(P)  TCPS-2-Core (Course on Research Ethics; certificate of completion. Due 5 pm, Nov. 10, to Assignments.

Wk. 10

Nov. 15

1:30-4:20. Group work on projects.

Instructor meets with groups individually (~ 30 minutes apiece) during class time.


(P) Project Management Charts . Due 5 pm, Nov. 17 to Assignments

Wk. 11

Nov. 22

1:30-4:20: Group work on projects



Individual review paper (10%) and bibliography (5%). Due 5 pm, Nov. 24 to Assignments

Wk. 12

Nov. 29

1:30-4:20: Presentation of Fall progress reports

Community partners attend.


Three groups present progress reports to class and community partners (7.5%)

(P) Upload presentation to Assignments by noon, Nov. 28.

Wk. 13

Dec. 6

1:30-4:30 Group work

Groups receive feedback on presentation of Fall progress reports and consult with Instructor on write-up of progress report.

Anticipate and plan project-related work for Winter term. 


Written progress reports (10%)*

Due 5 pm Dec. 8, to Assignments

*Late penalty does not apply until 5 pm, Dec. 15.

(P) Supervisor’s interim evaluation (for feedback only) of your work on the project. Due 5 pm, Dec. 15, to Assignments


7.0 CLASS SCHEDULE, Winter 2024




Some of the readings might change or be added.  Perusall notations are due 24 hours before class (i.e., Mondays at 1:30)


If the due date not the same as the class date, it is noted. (P) Counts towards participation grade 

Wk. 1

Jan. 10

1:30-4:20: Student group work on projects



(P) Submit 1st Interim evaluation (for feedback only) of peers’ work on project. Due 5 pm, Jan. 8, to Assignments

Wk. 2

Jan. 17


1:30-2:30: Discussion of readings

2:40-4:20 Student group work on projects.

Ch. 14: Public Policy

Ch. 16: Behavioural Community Approaches



Wk. 3

Jan. 24

1:30-4:20  Student group work on projects



Wk. 4

Jan. 31

1:30-2:30: Discussion of readings

2:40-4:20 Student group work on projects

Ch. 17: Social & Political Change

Thrift and Sugarman (2019). What is social justice? Implications for Psychology. Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, 39, 1-17.




Wk. 5

Feb. 7

1:30-4:20 Student group work on projects



Wk. 6

Feb. 14

1:30-2:30 Discussion of readings.

2:40-3:20: Student group work on projects

Chapter 19: Looking into your Future

Check out:

Toronto Metropolitan’s Graduate Program in Community and Health Psychology    

and Laurier’s Graduate Program in Community Psychology



Feb. 21

Spring Reading week



Wk. 8

Feb. 28

1:30-4:20 Student group work on projects


(P) Submit 2nd interim evaluation of peers. Due 5 pm, Feb. 29, to Assignments

Wk. 9

March 6

1:30-4:20 Student group work on projects



Wk. 10

March 13

1:30-4:20 Student group work on projects



Wk. 11

March 20

1:30-4:20 Student group work on projects.

Consult with Instructor on posters and final presentations.


Draft of poster (5%). Due 5 pm, March 22, to assignments



Wk. 12

March 27

Presentations of final reports

Community partners in attendance.


Group oral presentation of final reports. (7.5%)

(P) Submit poster to community partner for approval/comment no later than March 28, 5 pm 

Wk. 13

April 3


Class time to complete instructor/course evaluations.

Debrief final presentations.

Group work and consult with Instructor on final Reports/Deliverables


Final wrap-up,  and group reflection on course and CEL experience


Critical reflections (5%) . Due 5 pm, April 1st, to Assignments.

Final version of poster (5%). Due 5 pm, April 8th*, to Assignments

Final report and deliverables (25%). (Due 5 pm, April 8*, to Assignments

*Late penalty does not apply until 5 pm, April 15.

(P) Student evaluation of peer contribution to project. To be submitted as soon as final report and deliverable have been handed in. 

(P) Supervisor evaluation of student work and project.  To be submitted as soon as final report and deliverable have been handed in. 



Classes end April 8th

2% penalty per day assignment is late.





8.0       Land Acknowledgement


We acknowledge that Western University is located on the traditional lands of the Anishinaabek, Haudenosaunee, Lūnaapéewak and Attawandaron peoples, on lands connected with the London Township and Sombra Treaties of 1796 and the Dish with One Spoon Covenant Wampum.


With this, we respect the longstanding relationships that Indigenous Nations have to this land, as they are the original caretakers. We acknowledge historical and ongoing injustices that Indigenous Peoples (e.g., First Nations, Métis, and Inuit) endure in Canada, and we accept responsibility as a public institution to contribute toward revealing and correcting miseducation, as well as renewing respectful relationships with Indigenous communities through our teaching, research and community service.





Students are responsible for understanding the nature and avoiding the occurrence of plagiarism and other scholastic offences. Plagiarism and cheating are considered very serious offences because they undermine the integrity of research and education. Actions constituting a scholastic offence are described at the following link:


As of Sept. 1, 2009, the Department of Psychology will take the following steps to detect scholastic offences. All multiple-choice tests and exams will be checked for similarities in the pattern of responses using reliable software, and records will be made of student seating locations in all tests and exams. All written assignments will be submitted to TurnItIn, a service designed to detect and deter plagiarism by comparing written material to over 5 billion pages of content located on the Internet or in TurnItIn’s databases. All papers submitted for such checking will be included as source documents in the reference database for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of papers subsequently submitted to the system. Use of the service is subject to the licensing agreement, currently between Western and (


Computer-marked multiple-choice tests and/or exams will be subject to submission for similarity review by software that will check for unusual coincidences in answer patterns that may indicate cheating.


In classes that involve the use of a personal response system (PRS), data collected using the PRS will only be used in a manner consistent to that described in this outline. It is the instructor’s responsibility to make every effort to ensure that data remain confidential. However, students should be aware that as with all forms of electronic communication, privacy is not guaranteed. Your PRS login credentials are for your sole use only. Students attempting to use another student’s credentials to submit data through the PRS may be subject to academic misconduct proceedings.


Possible penalties for a scholastic offence include failure of the assignment/exam, failure of the course, suspension from the University, and expulsion from the University.



Tests and examinations for online courses will be conducted using a remote proctoring service. By taking this course, you are consenting to the use of this software and acknowledge that you will be required to provide personal information (including some biometric data) and the session will be recorded.  Completion of this course will require you to have a reliable internet connection and a device that meets the technical requirements for this service. More information about this remote proctoring service, including technical requirements, is available on Western’s Remote Proctoring website at:

In the event that in-person exams are unexpectedly canceled, you may only be given notice of the use of a proctoring service a short time in advance.




Western’s policy on Accommodation for Medical Illness can be found at:


If you experience an extenuating circumstance (e.g., illness, injury) sufficiently significant to temporarily make you unable to meet academic requirements, you may request accommodation through the following routes:

  1. For medical absences, submitting a Student Medical Certificate (SMC) signed by a licensed medical or mental health practitioner in order to be eligible for Academic Consideration;
  2. For non-medical absences, submitting appropriate documentation (e.g., obituary, police report, accident report, court order, etc.) to Academic Counselling in their Faculty of registration in order to be eligible for academic consideration. Students are encouraged to contact their Academic Counselling unit to clarify what documentation is appropriate.


Students must see the Academic Counsellor and submit all required documentation in order to be approved for certain accommodation.


Students seeking academic consideration:

  • are advised to consider carefully the implications of postponing tests or midterm exams or delaying handing in work;  
  • must communicate with their instructors no later than 24 hoursafter the end of the period covered SMC, or immediately upon their return following a documented absence


Students seeking accommodation for religious purposes are advised to contact Academic Counselling at least three weeks prior to the religious event and as soon as possible after the start of the term.



12.0     Contingency Plan for Return to Lockdown: IN-Person & Blended classes


In the event of a COVID-19 resurgence or any other event that necessitates the course delivery moving away from face-to-face interaction, all remaining course content will be delivered entirely online, either synchronously (i.e., at the times indicated in the timetable) or asynchronously (e.g., posted on OWL for students to view at their convenience). The grading scheme will not change. Any remaining assessments will also be conducted online, as determined by the course instructor.




In courses involving online interactions, the Psychology Department expects students to honour the following rules of etiquette:

  • please “arrive” to class on time
  • please use your computer and/or laptop if possible (as opposed to a cell phone or tablet)
  • please ensure that you are in a private location to protect the confidentiality of discussions in the event that a class discussion deals with sensitive or personal material
  • to minimize background noise, kindly mute your microphone for the entire class until you are invited to speak, unless directed otherwise
  • In classes larger than 30 participants please turn off your video camera for the entire class unless you are invited to speak
  • In classes of 30 students or fewer, where video chat procedures are being used, please be prepared to turn your video camera off at the instructor’s request if the internet connection becomes unstable
  • Unless invited by your instructor, do not share your screen in the meeting


The course instructor will act as moderator for the class and will deal with any questions from participants. To participate please consider the following:

  • If you wish to speak, use the “raise hand” function and wait for the instructor to acknowledge you before beginning your comment or question.
  • Please remember to unmute your microphone and turn on your video camera before speaking.
  • Self-identify when speaking.
  • Please remember to mute your mic and turn off your video camera after speaking (unless directed otherwise).


General considerations of “netiquette”:

  • Keep in mind the different cultural and linguistic backgrounds of the students in the course.
  • Be courteous toward the instructor, your colleagues, and authors whose work you are discussing.
  • Be respectful of the diversity of viewpoints that you will encounter in the class and in your readings. The exchange of diverse ideas and opinions is part of the scholarly environment. “Flaming” is never appropriate.
  • Be professional and scholarly in all online postings. Use proper grammar and spelling. Cite the ideas of others appropriately.


Note that disruptive behaviour of any type during online classes, including inappropriate use of the chat function, is unacceptable. Students found guilty of Zoom-bombing a class or of other serious online offenses may be subject to disciplinary measures under the Code of Student Conduct.




Office of the Registrar: 


Student Development Services:


Psychology Undergraduate Program:


If you wish to appeal a grade, please read the policy documentation at:

Please first contact the course instructor. If your issue is not resolved, you may make your appeal to the Undergraduate Chair in Psychology (


Copyright Statement: Lectures and course materials, including power point presentations, outlines, videos and similar materials, are protected by copyright. You may take notes and make copies of course materials for your own educational use. You may not record lectures, reproduce (or allow others to reproduce), post or distribute any course materials publicly and/or for commercial purposes without the instructor’s written consent.


Policy on the Recording of Synchronous Sessions: Some or all of the remote learning sessions for this course (if scheduled) may be recorded. The data captured during these recordings may include your image, voice recordings, chat logs and personal identifiers (name displayed on the screen). The recordings will be used for educational purposes related to this course, including evaluations. The recordings may be disclosed to other individuals participating in the course for their private or group study purposes. Please contact the instructor if you have any concerns related to session recordings. Participants in this course are not permitted to privately record the sessions, except where recording is an approved accommodation, or the student has the prior written permission of the instructor.